Consider using batched query

Marten1005 Info


Multiple queries (Load, LoadAsync, LoadMany, LoadManyAsync, Query, QueryAsync of IQuerySession) within a method body or expression load data with no interdependencies between the materialized data and query parameters.

Reason for rule

Queries with no interdependent data can be batched to reduce roundtrips to database.

How to fix violations

Enlist the quries in IBatchedQuery.



// Two roundtrips to database
var issues = session.LoadMany<Issue>("Issue-1", "Issue-2");
var assignee = session.Load<Assignee>("Assignee");

Does not violate

var batch = session.CreateBatchQuery();

var issues = batch.LoadMany<Issue>().ById("Issue-1", "Issue-2");
var assignee = batch.Load<Assignee>("Assignee");

// Single roundtrip to database